Friday, October 12, 2007

Fear of the future widespread in primary schools

So I am not alone.

Many harked back to a golden age not so long ago "when they roamed the streets, fields and woods unsupervised and without regard for traffic or strangers, and had ample time to do so".

Teachers condemned the tests and deplored "the national obsession" with celebrity, transient values and consumerism.

The report concluded that prospects for the society and world that young children will inherit look "increasingly perilous".

Prof Alexander said that, having travelled around the country to speak to people "inside and outside of education", he and his team had found "unease about the present and pessimism about the future".


A Word Association Game


Plastic - Carbon - Oil - Credit Cards - the Spice Girls boobs - Global Warming - Climate Change - War - "anxiety haunts primary schools".

The vast majority of plastics are composed of polymers of carbon and hydrogen alone or with oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine or sulfur in the backbone.

"Teachers condemned the tests and deplored "the national obsession" with celebrity, transient values and consumerism."

How do we stop the juggernaut of celebrity, transient values and consumerism?

Surely mankind is not so blind as to continue to worship these petty individuals with no message beyond cosmetic appeal and unfettered greed?

A good place to start would be with the media, who fashion these golden calves that 21st century man idolises!

How is the recycling going?


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