Wednesday, November 14, 2007

CO 2 emissions can be reduced through simple acts

The collective result of simple measures is vast.

See below for some very basic ideas

Re-use and recycle

Re-use plastic bags (preferably take cloth ones with you when you go shopping), old envelopes and glass bottles.
Recycle newspaper, cardboard, plastic and tins. It is not that difficult as most schools have recycling facilities.
Have a compost heap or vermicomposting (earthworm farm) system to recycle organic waste.
Try to buy products that don't have too much packaging.

Save water

Put a brick in a plastic bag in your toilet cistern so that the toilet will use less water each time you flush.
Shower (preferably with a low-flow showerhead) instead of bathing.
Water your garden with used (dishwashing, bathing) water.

Save electricity

Turn off lights if there is no one in the room.
Don't leave appliances such as the TV, DVD player, radio or computer on standby. Unplug your cellphone charger when you are not using it.
Turn off your geyser when you aren't using it.
Only boil the kettle with the amount of water you will need in it.
Cover your pots while cooking.
Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs instead of ordinary ones.
Wash your clothes in cold or warm (not hot) water.
Make sure that your home is properly insulated so that you don't use the heater unnecessarily in winter.
Air dry your clothes (don't use the tumble dryer).

Cut carbon emissions

If possible walk, cycle or use public transport. Otherwise start a lift club.
Check your tyres and air filter regularly. Keeping your tyres pumped up and your air filter clean makes your car more efficient thereby reducing carbon emissions.
Unless you are in traffic, don't let your car idle for more than 30 seconds.
Buy food which has been produced locally as it involves less transportation.
If possible, opt for organic produce as this cuts out the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides made from fossil fuels.

Go the extra mile

Install a solar water heating system to help provide you with hot water.
Plant some trees.
Offset your carbon emissions or travels by buying carbon offsets.
If you are buying a new car or kitchen appliance, try to opt for more energy-efficient models.

When you think about it, these are not that difficult to implement in your life. It just needs a little getting used to, but the end result will be oh so refreshing.

Reducing co2 and greenhouse gas emissions will limit global warming and climate change.

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