Thursday, September 20, 2007

Brown to boycott summit if Mugabe attends.

I should think "Mad Bad" Bob Mugabe must be trembling in his boots, with Gordon Brown threatening to boycott the EU-Africa summit if he attends.

Let's face it, he is a tyrant along the lines of Idi Amin and Pol Pot, responsible for suffering and murder on a scale that should not be permitted by a world that witnessed Adolf Hitler in action. No single mortal should wield such power.

So why has the UN and the West stood by and done nothing to stop his destruction of a country and a people? After all, they are a military pushover.

Well, first there is no oil under the ground in Zimbabwe and second because all the African Union members (the same ones that deliver standing ovations to him) will accuse any interventionists of being imperialist racists.

Saddam was guilty of similar brutality, yet Bush and Blair felt compelled to invade Iraq. It is so blatant that if oil reserves were abundant in Zimbabwe, then "Mad Bob" would be swinging from the gallows by now, Saddam style.

Zimbabwe was once regarded as the bread basket of Southern Africa. Now it is a basket case, with starving people and the world's highest inflation rate.

Well, those worse off in Zimbabwe today (and who have not yet fled across the border to South Africa) are black people, not whites. They may not be Shona tribes people like Mugabe, but they are previously disadvantaged people under the Rhodesian regime.
So he persecutes, tortures and murders fellow blacks, whilst enriching himself and the leaders of the world's superpowers do nothing. Does nobody learn from Neville Chamberlain! They should be ashamed.

At 83, he will without doubt escape justice in this world. Let's hope his Catholic upbringing makes him less certain about escaping justice in the next.

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