Saturday, September 29, 2007

Use the Internet to speak out

Burma is in the news and the UN waffles in the severest terms. Mugabe is stealing everything with any value in Zimbabwe and getting away with it, whilst African leaders either applaud or "energetically" use quiet diplomacy to stop him - quiet diplomacy is political-speak for "do bugger all whilst planning my next overseas trip with my mistress."

Politicians to a man or woman suffer from the same malady, whether in Africa, Europe or America. This is a self-belief in their own importance and the deservedness of the special, frequently luxurious lifestyle now availed to them.

As a sometime voter, I actually do not care whether my elected representative and servant to the people is revered by his fellows for fine clothes, expensive vehicles, the coolest, toughest-looking bodyguards and often gorgeous, "obliging" political assistants to accompany him or her on their travels.

But go to Westminster, the UN in New York or even the Kremlin and you will immediately notice the aura of power. The atmosphere is far from that of diligent public servants of humanity attempting to make a better world for all the inhabitants they represent. A combination of fashion show and fine wine club, with a whiff of armaments fair would be more accurate.

This charade, whilst in many parts of the globe, young children starve, women are raped and monks are beaten to death as a result of political agendas.

We face a threat to the very survival of our species in the form of global warming and climate change, that in terms of the time lines of our planet, is upon us now. The response from our illustrious fat-cat politicians, is to place flags beneath the North pole; to eye Iranian oil and gas reserves, whilst planning attack; to supply Typhoon fighters to oil rich nations and blatantly overlook proven corruption.

I am so sick of hearing, watching and reading about one group of people getting it over another group of people.

Is it beyond us to unite as a species to tackle the real threats for the future of us all. Global Warming - Climate Change - Energy Starvation - Population Explosion.

Since the industrial revolution we have grabbed and consumed the world's resources with all the restraint of a binge-drinker in a distillery !

The seas are bare of fish, oil has peaked and yet we seem intent on charging over the environmental cliff like drug crazed Lemmings. And for most of us, ours is a complicity in this process, through total apathy.

We need to tell the elected leaders of the World what we ordinary, less privileged citizens DEMAND of them. And the great news is, we all have access to the tool to do it - the Internet.

Never before in history has it been possible for people around the world, with just one common thread, humanity, to join together and impose their will on shoddy world leaders. Make your voice heard. Email your friends, wherever they may be. Use blogs, letters to the press, anything and everything available to speak out; but do not do NOTHING. Remember, the dinosaurs were once top of the food chain!

Time to stop and think...and for Homo sapiens to start really living again !

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