Saturday, September 15, 2007

What will catch on depends on how painless it is.

There is a local company near Plymouth offering bio-diesel and I imagine they must have invested a fair bit to get the business running. I was tempted to start using it.

After a while I came to the conclusion that the use of bio-diesel would not take off until it is as convenient for the public to get hold of it as fossil fuel diesel. And this is not going to happen any time soon.

Most of the filling stations are owned by the major oil companies and they are not likely to put tanks and pumps selling a fuel in competition to their own diesel on their forecourts.

Only the greenest warrior, with loads of time on his or her hands, will chase around seeking bio-fuel suppliers, especially when the fuel warning light has very obviously been on for 30 miles!

This rule of thumb will apply to all the ideas being suggested to reduce co2 and to enable people to lower their carbon footprint. If it is too much hassle, it will not catch on. The dedicated few, living by the greenest of codes, will sadly not really make a dent in global warming. It is about getting the vast majority of people to make simple, painless adjustments to daily living that will achieve that. is committed to persuading the majority of people in UK to implement small, realistic modifications to lifestyle that collectively add up to a big impact. Please join in today. Use our directory of members for goods and service supply and tell your friends and family about us as well.

Tip of the day: go to for excellent information on climate change myths and facts.

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