Thursday, September 20, 2007

When will Oil reach $150 a barrel?

Oil hits $150 a barrel !

Can you imagine the response in the press when this happens? And happen it will, just exactly when is uncertain.

We need to think about Global Warming and Climate Change of course, but they are more reasons to embrace the philosophy.

The UK have troops in Iraq and Afghanisatan (I meant Afghanistan, but maybe more accurate)currently involved in deadly operations which are not being won. Already it is being planned to start withdrawing from Iraq and the Taliban are waiting for any opportunity to take back power in Afghanistan.

Pakistan, currently the West's greatest friend in the region is starting to succumb to Islamic fundamentalism, with polls showing Osama Bin Laden is more popular than Gen. Musharaf. Iran are building a Nuclear bomb, which Dick Cheney wants to prevent using tactical nuclear bunker-busters. Israel are not going to ignore the threat from Iran either!

A dwindling reserve of oil and greater political instability in the Middle East will send the price of oil and gas through the roof.

So the sooner we start to switch to alternatives to fossil fuel the better. However, the really important idea to grasp is to use less of everything and end this culture of waste and extravagance that fuels the profiteering of big business and government.

Would it really hurt the average household who has the Internet, to reject receipt of paper directories. That would save nearly 1 million trees a year and meaningfully reduce co2 emissions.

Walk more, plan your day more thoroughly to avoid unnecessary car journeys, install low wattage light bulbs and put the central heating on 1 degree less this winter. All these things will be most noticeable to you when your fuel bills are lower!

Gradual self-motivated change in lifestyle is far more palatable than cost induced sudden change. Start taking small steps to a better world today!


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